About the Film
5Point Film Festival is On the Road with Park City Film Series! Join us for a night you won?t soon forget. These films span across all outdoor, adventure film, but all are hand picked to get your heart pumping, mind engaged, and self inspired to pursue your own passions, whatever those may be. Food, Beer and Wine available for sale before the show, doors at 6PM.
Q & A throughout the evening with film makers and film related artists.
Film Info
Oct 9, 2014Showtimes
Not RatedRun Time
180Directed by
Various Directors
Underwritten By
This film is available for underwriting.
Film Underwriter
Your business name will appear:
- in the description of the film on our printed calendar
- on our website as the film’s underwriter with a link to your web site
- in our weekly e-blast, which goes out to 3,800 people
- in the coming attractions portion of our pre-film slide show
Your images will be projected 18 times prior to each screening, for a total of 432 projections during an eight-week period.
Price: $500
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