About the Film
Set in Vienna at the turn of the 19th century, the film stars Michael Fassbender as Carl Jung, Keira Nightley as his patient, and Viggo Mortensen as Sigmund Freud. Seduced by the challenge of an impossible case, the driven Dr. Jung takes the unbalanced yet beautiful Sabina into his care. Jung has newly adopted psychoanalysis, the method of his master, the renowned Sigmund Freud. This is an elegant account of the friendship between Freud and Jung and the ultimate strain created by a brilliant female patient who came between them. It is a complex story filled with love, anguish, and sexual desire.
Film Info
Mar 16, 2012 – Mar 18, 2012
Fri/Sat at 8pm, Sun at 6pmRated
RRun Time
99Directed by
David Cronenberg