About the Film
“Anytime” is a non-narrative, immersive film that reveals the incredible athleticism and collective consciousness of the world’s best freeride mountain bikers. Dropped into vibrant environments from the Chilean Andes to the Swiss Alps, weaving through the deserts and forests of North America, the film follows fifteen men and women from around the globe as they attempt to define the frontiers of their sport. Experiential cinematography and groundbreaking action seamlessly intertwine with intimate moments of fear, fun, and fate, posing questions that every mountain biker can understand. Why chase after such heavy consequences? What waits beyond that next peak? Where are we headed next? Just like the sport it seeks to capture, “Anytime” is not constrained by any definitive answers, except for one: Today we ride – anywhere… Anytime!
Discounted tickets for students!
Shimano presents a Red Bull Media House and Anthill Films co-production, featuring: Patricia Druwen, Lucy Van Eesteren, Vinny Armstrong, Harriet Burbidge-Smith, Brage Vestavik, Kade Edwards, Brett Rheeder, Thomas Genon, Hannah Bergemann, Robin Goomes, Vaea Verbeeck, Cami Nogueira, Emil Johansson, Carson Storch, & Casey Brown. Created in association with Maxxis, Arosa Lenzerheide Bike Kingdom & Evoc.
Film Info
Sep 12, 2024Showtimes
PGRun Time
60 minDirected by
Darcy Wittenburg, Darren McCullough, Colin JonesAssisted Listening
Underwritten By
This film is available for underwriting.
Film Underwriter
Your business name will appear:
- in the description of the film on our printed calendar
- on our website as the film’s underwriter with a link to your web site
- in our weekly e-blast, which goes out to 3,800 people
- in the coming attractions portion of our pre-film slide show
Your images will be projected 18 times prior to each screening, for a total of 432 projections during an eight-week period.
Price: $500
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