About the Film
How can Santa deliver billions of presents to the whole world in just one night? With a state-of-the-art, high-tech operation! So how could this incredible operation have MISSED one child?!? To Santa?s young son, Arthur, it threatens to end the magic of Christmas. With retired Grandsanta, a rebellious young elf, an old sleigh, and some untrained reindeer, Arthur sets out on a crazy mission to deliver the last present!
Film Info
Dec 21, 2013Showtimes
PGRun Time
97Directed by
Barry Cook and Sarah SmithPrice
Underwritten By
This film is available for underwriting.
Film Underwriter
Your business name will appear:
- in the description of the film on our printed calendar
- on our website as the film’s underwriter with a link to your web site
- in our weekly e-blast, which goes out to 3,800 people
- in the coming attractions portion of our pre-film slide show
Your images will be projected 18 times prior to each screening, for a total of 432 projections during an eight-week period.
Price: $500
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