About the Film
This seriocomic adaptation of Mordecai Richler’s award-winning 1997 novel stars Paul Giamatti as Barney, who meets the great love of his life, Miriam, at the most inopportune time imaginable: at the wedding to his second wife. Narrated by Barney as a confessional, the film covers 30 years of his unusual journey — from his first marriage to a chronically unfaithful free spirit and their life in Italy together, through his third marriage to Miriam, with whom he has two children. Standing in the wings is Barney’s father, played by the irascible Dustin Hoffman, who continues to stick by him as his loyal right-hand man.
Film Info
Apr 29, 2011 – May 1, 2011
Fri/Sat at 8pm, Sun at 6pmRated
RRun Time
134Directed by
Richard J. Lewis