About the Film
The Belle and Sebastien trilogy’s final installment. The film opens in the late 1940s, two years after the previous film, as the 12-year-old Sebastian is living an idyllic small-town life with Belle, who is now caring for her three adorable puppies, under the roof of their grizzled guardian, Cesar, his daughter Angelina, and her boyfriend, Pierre. Trouble begins, however, when a dark, menacing figure named Joseph appears, claiming to be the previous owner of Belle and forcibly demanding to take back the dog. From that point Sebastian is determined to do whatever is necessary to rescue Belle and her family from the heartless stranger. Director Clovis Cornillac, who plays the black-clad Joseph with a satisfyingly sinister scowl, hews closely to the themes of heroism and the importance of family ties from the first two films. By also making clever use of the stunning alpine setting during heart-pounding chase sequences, he delivers audiences a thrilling adventure for the whole family.
Screened in French with English subtitles. Presented in partnership with Park City Library.
Film Info
Jan 11, 2020Showtimes
PGRun Time
97Directed by
Clovis CornillacClosed Captioning
Assisted Listening