About the Film
“PASANG: In the Shadow of Everest” chronicles Pasang Lhamu Sherpa’s relentless quest to become the first Nepali woman to summit Everest in 1993. As an uneducated, indigenous woman and a Buddhist in a Hindu kingdom, Pasang’s dream to scale the legendary mountain pit her against family, foreign climbers, her own government, and nature itself. Her determined pursuit of Everest plays out within the context of her nation’s quest for democracy and the emergence of the commercial climbing industry. As told by the Nepalis who knew her, by some of the world’s most notable alpinists, and by Pasang herself, her historic quest would transfix her country and uplift a new generation’s belief in its possibilities.
In Nepali and English with subtitles.
Part of the Raising Voices Film Series, supported with grant funding from Park City Chamber and Park City Municipal Corp.
“A heartening story of a brave woman who shows no fear and rises to meet any challenge that comes her way.” – The Himalayan Times
Film Info
Feb 29, 2024Showtimes
Not RatedRun Time
72 minDirected by
Nancy SvendsenAssisted Listening