About the Film
The Illusionist is an intricate story of intrigue, magic and murder in turn of-the-century Vienna. It stars Edward Norton and Paul Giamatti as two men pitted against each other in a battle of wits: Norton as mysterious stage magician Eisenheim, and Giamatti as Vienna’s shrewd Chief Inspector Uhl, with Jessica Biel sharing the screen as the beautiful Sophie von Teschen.
When word of Eisenheim’s astounding illusions reaches the powerful and pragmatic Crown Prince Leopold, the ruler attends one of the magician’s shows in order to debunk Eisenheim during the performance. But when the Prince’s fiance, Sophie von Teschen, assists the magician onstage, Eisenheim and Sophie recognize each other from their childhoods and a dormant love affair is rekindled.
Rouses your belief in the miraculous. – The New York Times
Film Info
Nov 3, 2006 – Nov 5, 2006
Fri/Sat 8pm, Sun 6pmRated
PG-13Run Time
110 minDirected by
Neil Burger