About the Film
Souad is a prostitute whose best friend is Kenza, a tough traffic cop. Kamel is a stony-eyed contract killer who receives his hit orders via the Internet. He is also Souad’s favorite customer. When Kenza falls in love with Kamel, the two begin a bizarre courtship doomed by their disparate lines of work, and a persistent cyber-snooping hacker who stumbles upon the site where Kamel receives his murderous contracts. Moroccan actor/director Faouzi Bensaïdi’s promiscuously stylish film is a new vision of an old culture, unveiling an uncommon Casablanca caught in a world wide web of associations and consequences.
Part of the Global Lens Series
Film Info
Sep 16, 2009Showtimes
Not RatedRun Time
99Directed by
Faouzi BensaïdiPrice
Underwritten By
This film is available for underwriting.
Film Underwriter
Your business name will appear:
- in the description of the film on our printed calendar
- on our website as the film’s underwriter with a link to your web site
- in our weekly e-blast, which goes out to 3,800 people
- in the coming attractions portion of our pre-film slide show
Your images will be projected 18 times prior to each screening, for a total of 432 projections during an eight-week period.
Price: $500
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