About the Film
Based on the acclaimed children’s novel by Cécile Aubry, Belle and Sebastian follows the courageous adventures of a young boy and his giant sheepdog amidst the stunning backdrop of the snow-covered Alps. In WWII-occupied France, on the border of Switzerland, six-year-old Sebastian tames the enormous, yet gentle mountain dog Belle, who, despite the fears of the local villagers, becomes his best friend and protector. When the Nazis arrive and begin rooting out resistance members and Jewish refugees, Belle and Sebastian prove their loyalty to the village and each other when they undertake a treacherous journey to help the cause. Recommended for ages 9+.
Presented in French with English subtitles.
Film Info
Feb 10, 2018Showtimes
Not RatedRun Time
99Directed by
Nicolas VanierClosed Captioning