About the Film
“Elemental: Reimagine Wildfire” takes viewers on a journey with the top experts in the nation to better understand fire. The film follows the harrowing escape from Paradise, California as the town ignited from wind-driven embers and burned within a few hours of the fire’s start. It then continues to the even more recent fires of the last two years, when Oregon, California and Colorado suffered their worst wildfires in recorded history. Includes the voices of climate experts, Indigenous people and fire survivors, and asks us to reimagine our relationship with wildfire as we prepare for an increasingly hotter future.
“Elemental explor[es] the history of wildfire in the West, changing public perceptions, and how natural climate cycles have been inextricably linked to both fire patterns and the hubristic notion that we can control them.” — Oregonian
Post film panel discussion with local experts in fire ecology, air quality, climate science and wildfire mitigation – Dr. Kerry Kelly, Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Utah, Jessica Kirby, Manager County Lands and Natural Resources, Summit County, and Brad Washa, retired Firefighter and Assistant Professor of Wildfire Science at USU. Logan Mitchell, PhD, Climate Scientist & Energy Analyst, Utah Clean Energy will moderate.
Closed Captions are available for the film and ASL interpretation will be provided for the post-film discussions upon request. Please contact director@parkcityfilm.org by September 14th with ADA accommodation requests.
Presented in partnership with Citizens Climate Lobby, Recycle Utah and Utah Clean Energy as part of the Reel Community Series.
Film Info
Sep 21, 2023Showtimes
Not RatedRun Time
85 minDirected by
Trip JenningsClosed Captioning
Assisted Listening