About the Film
“Nine Days” follows Will (Winston Duke), who spends his days in a remote outpost watching the live Point of View (POV) on TV’s of people going about their lives, until one subject perishes, leaving a vacancy for a new life on earth. Soon, several candidates — unborn souls — arrive at Will’s to undergo tests determining their fitness, facing oblivion when they are deemed unsuitable. But Will soon faces his own existential challenge in the form of free-spirited Emma (Zazie Beetz), a candidate who is not like the others, forcing him to turn within and reckon with his own tumultuous past. Fueled by unexpected power, he discovers a bold new path forward in his own life.
Making his feature-film debut after a series of highly acclaimed and award-winning short films and music videos, Japanese Brazilian director Edson Oda delivers a heartfelt and meditative vision of human souls in limbo, aching to be born against unimaginable odds, yet hindered by forces beyond their will.
Winner of the 2020 Sundance Film Festival Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award. Part of the Made in Utah Film Series
COVID Policies for film screenings at the Jim Santy Auditorium:
Tickets can be purchased in advance online. After online ticket sales close one hour before the scheduled start time for the film, tickets will be available for purchase at the box office. We will be operating at 30% capacity at the Jim Santy Auditorium and masks will be required for all patrons without exception. Complete details on our Cinema Safe protocols can be accessed here.
Film Info
Sep 24, 2021 – Sep 26, 2021
Fri/Sat at 7pm, Sun at 6pmRated
RRun Time
124Directed by
Edson OdaClosed Captioning
Descriptive Audio
Assisted Listening