About the Film
From Jean-Loup Felicioli and Alain Gagnol, the creators of the Oscar-nominated “A Cat in Paris,” “Phantom Boy” is about a boy with extraordinary powers. Leo, eleven years old and bedridden, is an unlikely hero, who one day discovers that he can become invisible and fly across New York City. Thanks to this ability, Leo is able to assist a policeman in order to take down a mob kingpin, known as The Man With the Broken Face, who has taken control of the city’s power supply. Felicioli and Gagnol’s subtle hand-drawn animation style is a refreshing alternative to today’s loud and sleek computer-generated films, making for an impressionistic depiction of an iconic city and a humorous, wise vision of childhood.
Recommended for Ages 8+
Presented in English as part of the Family Film Fest Series in partnership with Park City Library.
“The humorous action scenes hit the mark. Phantom Boy is aimed at both children and adults” – Premiere
Film Info
Jan 13, 2024Showtimes
PGRun Time
84 minDirected by
Jean-Loup Felicioli and Alain GagnolAssisted Listening