About the Film
The story of a secretive, underground crew who called themselves the Jackson Hole Air Force, and the salad days of Benny Wilson, Howard Henderson, and their band of civil disobedience in the unknown realm of Out-of Bounds. The influence of the Jackson Hole Air Force has reached far beyond Jackson. JHAF members won the first three World Extreme Skiing Championships and are directly responsible for pioneering big mountain skiing in the world’s most incredible playground; Alaska, which brought about the fat ski revolution, and changed the face of skiing forever. This exploration into the roots of the modern American ski bum features many familiar faces in the action sports world like Warren Miller, Scot Schmidt, and the late Doug Coombs. An action packed tale of winter sports history, “Swift. Silent. Deep.” goes far beyond the typical action sports formula creating a documentary experience that satisfies intellectual curiosity, while delivering action packed footage. Nominated for Best Documentary at the X-Dance Action Sport Film Festival.
“A more entertaining and inspiring group of characters would be hard to invent, and the movie sucks the audience in from beginning to end.” – Ski Magazine
Presented in partnership with Park City and Summit County Libraries as part of the 2023 One Book One Community selection “Powder Days: Ski Bums, Ski Towns, and the Future of Chasing Snow” by Heather Hansman.
Film Info
Aug 25, 2023Showtimes
Not RatedRun Time
83Directed by
Jon KlaczkiewiczAssisted Listening