About the Film
Based on the real-life courtship between Kumail Nanjiani and Emily V. Gordon, THE BIG SICK tells the story of Pakistan-born aspiring comedian Kumail (Nanjiani), who connects with grad student Emily (Kazan) after one of his standup sets. However, what they thought would be just a one-night stand blossoms into the real thing, which complicates the life that is expected of Kumail by his traditional Muslim parents.
$30/ Food + wine tasting, catered by Ganesh, will include: Vegetable Biryani, Nann bread, Lamb Samosas, and Chicken Tikki Masala + 2 glasses of wine. Food + wine tasting starts at 7 p.m.
Presented in partnership with EATS Park City as a benefit for their programs.
Film Info
Nov 4, 2017 – Nov 4, 2017
Fri/Sat at 8pm, Sun at 6pmRated
RRun Time
120Directed by
Michael Showalter